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Results for "author_first: "Ronald", author_last: "Rolheiser", latest_content: 1"
Prayer An exploration of prayer and its benefits in our lives.
Prayer Ronald Rolheiser on rejoicing in the alphabet of grace.
The Restless Heart On the Christian life as an attempt to pierce the mist of unreality and encounter God and others face to face.
Forgotten Among the Lilies Christian essays exploring the spiritual practice of yearning.
The Restless Heart A helpful spiritual book on the heart's yearning for union with God and others.
Against an Infinite Horizon Ronald Rolheiser's on blessings.
The Shattered Lantern Ronald Rolheiser on how gratitude is a result of discipline.
Prayer Ronald Rolheiser on coming to understand God's love and acceptance through a dream.
Against an Infinite Horizon Ronald Rolheiser's different metaphors for a good marriage.
The Shattered Lantern Ronald Rolheiser on how touching those who are poor in our lavish culture, you experience God and love.